Monday, February 11, 2008


All hail the yard sale.... when we went out to set up the tables at 6:00 am for a sale that started at 8:00 am I SWEAR there were this many people waiting at the end of the driveway even though we clearly stated in all ads that there would be NO EARLY SALES...notice the raised glasses...I am sure they were drinking because they were the MOST obnoxious group of yard salers I have ever I have stories to share. Cass and I were heckled while we were setting up...I am telling you it was unbelieveable! And once the clock struck 8:00 and we let them at the stuff, this is what ensued!
Friggin' guy actually knocked another guy to the ground and didn't even stop...I was like you have to be kidding me!!!!They were snatching and grabbing at things like it was gold or the answer to world peace.....completely nuts, it's just stuff......
But we had a blast my sis and me. I loved spending the day with her and my neice. Cass's friend Jill came and we all had a good time.
I definitely had my grumpy pants on, those people put me in a mood.....


SunshineandRavioli said...

HI there-
I follow your sister's blog- love reading her stories...obviously you have a way with words also! I can see the obnoxious mob in my head as I a matter of fact, I think I've been to a couple of those types of yard sales myself....luckily I've never had to run one.....putting you in my blog favorites...I'll be back!

Have a great day....

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

holy cow! I wish I could get people to my garage sales like that...

Debra Johnson said...

Oh tooo funny!!! Love the pictures you posted with it - a perfect visual. Girl, you must have some GOOD stuff that you were getting rid of...or have done this many times, and people KNOW about you!!
You made me laugh...thanks!

Debra Johnson